Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 2 Blog Assignment

The three items that I would choose to take would be:
1).My Crystal. 2). My Ring That My 2 daughters gave me.
3). My Holy Bible.

The explanation to others of what each item means to me:
The crystal gives me strength to make good decisions and it keeps all of my thoughts. My ring that my kids gave me for mother’s day, and it makes me feel special. My bible will help guide me through the words of catastrophe.

My feelings on having to give up two of the three items:
I would feel very bad if I have to give up my ring because I like to keep a piece of my kids everywhere I go. I would never give up my bible for nothing, I love the lord, even though he is with me everywhere I go, I would like to read some of his words for the Holy Book.

Any insights that I have gained as a result of this exercise:
As I thought about the three items I would take it’s hard for me to choose, because I will gain insights from all three items. But, I will pick the bible overall just in case I need some words of encouragement, and then I will pick my ring because without my babies I wonder what field I will be in, they encouraged me to be in the Early Childhood Field.

1 comment:

  1. Latasha,
    I like the three items you chose. I also chose a ring and my Bible. I think the Bible was a choice for most of us.

    I feel that as early childhood educators we have to help young children learn the importance of family culture.
